Thoughts on today's news... This morning my eyes were drawn to two news items. The first was the death of a journalist int the Ukraine, the second was the rescue of a pet dog from a icy lake in Detroit. The contrast of the expression of human behavior in these two situations, touched my heart. And, stand for me today as extreme examples, and polar opposites, of caring and compassion for the life of another living being.
As humans, I believe that we have one simple choice which applies to every situation. Do we act from a feeling of love, care and/or respect for life? OR, do we act out of fear, hatred and destruction. We can make whichever choice we want in any given situation. But, it would be wise to remember that our choice will influence who we are to become in the next moment and the next after that. Do we wish to become nurturers or murderers. It is up to us to decide this for ourselves. With each passing day, I think more about how the evolution of consciousness is an individual internal process for each human being yet it influences the growth of the entire species. Something which seems impossible, and yet it feels true to say that one voice, indeed every voice, makes a difference. It is up to us, individually, to determine how to use our voice, which words, concepts and values to embrace, embody and express in the process of becoming who we will be. I know who I am and who I want to become. I can no longer push away the sadness and the pain that enters into my heart, when I see pain and suffering. Nor, can I deny the joy I experience when I am helpful or caring. I know that for always and ever, and to the best of my ability, a thought which seems overwhelming at times... I want to be kind. I choose to embody kindness, true kindness toward myself and others. What is true kindness? Well... that is a musing for another day. I can say that it involves genuine concern, honest communication, active listening, respect for life and equanimity :).
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March 2022